We are studying the feasibility of possibilities in the country of EL SALVADOR, of an opening in the market of human-drone interaction that focuses on multirotor systems and provides an overview of the existing literature and the current state of the art in the field. An analysis according to the existing literature concluding and presenting a discussion of the current challenges and future work in the field of the drone industry as a human vehicle, as a means of luxury transportation or as a business possibility.

Odds in El Salvador
To introduce the analysis of the previous graph that sums up the probabilities of success in El Salvador with GCE AERO as a drone travel airline for humans, some premises must first be taken into account.
- The air transport sector makes an important contribution to the economy of El Salvador, according to IATA it generates 116,000 jobs, direct supply chain and employee spending, so everything that has to do with new airlines is well received by the country and tourism, since the second generates even more jobs.
- Air transport facilitates exports, investment foreign direct and tourism, so also GCE AERO, would be well accepted in the Central American country of Savior.
- Exports and tourist spending, is of reception since air transport brings tourists and investments to El Salvador, and helps companies to market their goods and services in all the world.
- El Salvador each year supports restaurants, hotels, transportation providers and others who serve tourists.
- In addition, El Salvador exports $6.9 billion in goods and services to other countries. Over time, the country has accumulated $9.2 billion in foreign direct investment, so GCE AERO belonging to the group of brands of GCE would be a foreign type investment.
- The ease of travel, cost competitiveness and the infrastructure are of vital importance to the country.
- A variable that can be seen as an advantage or disadvantage is also that there is only one airport in the country.
- An investment must be made in landing strip, route where the drones would pass, an aerial location guide.
- The executives present at the world economic forum suggest that the quality of transport infrastructure airport of El Salvador occupies the tenth place among the 24 countries included in the survey in Latin America and the Caribbean and 74 worldwide.

Disadvantages analyzing the salvadoran market
- The airline business is a tough business any part of the world.
- Profit margins are slim, fixed costs are high, capital expenditures are large, regulation government has been unstable and taxes can be high, considering that this market is 100% physical and variable.
- Demand can be cooled by a disease outbreak, recession, war or terrorism as evidenced by the covid19 crisis.
- The airline business is also a business sophisticated and fashionable, people want to travel, and perhaps the technology model is impressive.
- The defiance of gravity, the allure of novelty is paramount and will surely attract investment and managerial talent however can fail and lead to the industry at a level that exceeds what would apparently warrant a financial analysis dispassionate.
- One of the proposals would be to reach the government since within this country there has been a lot of reception for part of President Nayib Bukele who, as well as has bet on a volatile market but futuristic, can possibly support and support “human transport drones”.
- It is important to note that small countries like Salvador have a fundamental component of the infrastructure on which the economic growth, trade, communications and national defense, a system of healthy transport that offers prices reasonable prices and a ubiquitous service to the public is
of vital importance to the health of the nation
what’s the use…

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